
by Mr.Vatslav

“Mr.Vatslav” is a deeply creative artist with a beautiful singing voice that carries his passion and melodies beautifully. The concept of “Limitless” is underlined throughout the recording by a collection of cheerful ambient sounds and riffs. Everything takes a typically minimalist approach, but the overall effect is this dramatic and emotional work of art that reinforces those underlying ideas with each passing moment.

Meet Yaroslav aka Mr.Vatslav loves music to his fingertips. At 16 years old, he started his thorny path, and he continues it to this day, experiencing a fierce desire for this art. The difficult path of self-taught without teachers gave his music a unique and peculiar style. His passion towards music keeps him up at night, he always puts dozens of hours into the arrangement so that he doesn’t sink into the abyss of dull compositions. He tries to find unique and sophisticated arrangements of sounds for his tracks. As well, he strongly believes everything about creativity is the most important life concept.

The structure of the track is sensible, you can hear each moment as it unfolds preparing to reveal the next, but nothing about what follows is predictable. The longer the track, the more your own dreams come to mind. As this soundscape pours over you, those synths, that soft and atmospheric beat, that smooth and satisfying, slightly distorted lead riff – the whole thing fills the space around you with imagery and possibility.

“Limitless” is a fusion of intense melodic techno and deep house done in an almost freestyle, but still keeping close to the structure and essence of the intended composition. This is, in many ways, a musical representation or representation of what it means to be alive. Synths and keys offer a winding, unpredictable journey through the artist’s mind and memories. As you listen, it’s easy to find your mind wandering to new frontiers, almost completely forgetting what you were doing before as is the power of good music.

The music is undoubtedly soaked in a certain sort of alternative or experimental sound, but this merely adds to the individuality of the whole release, and it takes nothing away from the rhythm and drive of it all. The music is hypnotic to the point that you may find yourself dipping in and out of the soundscape, though whenever you’re in – you’re clinging to every note; following these lines along, pausing and heading back a little further for anything you may have missed. Creativity is key and it comes in high doses with this track. Well worth experiencing.

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